What Folder To Download Maps To On Mac

FolderFirefox download folder mac

(Note: For users looking to map drives on Windows, please see Mapping Drives (Shared Folders) on Windows)

Getting Access to a Drive

  • After being granted access to a drive, you must restart your computer before mapping a drive to it.
    If you are denied access to a drive, please restart your computer and try mapping it again.
  • Authorizers can grant access to users via the Permissions Manager.
    Authorizers do not automatically have access, but they can grant access to themselves.
  • The Permissions Manager can be accessed here: https://bmirdsdp.chmccorp.cchmc.org/dp/.
  • Instructions on how to use Permissions Manager are here: https://confluence.research.cchmc.org/x/dgNcAw.


What Folder To Download Maps To On Mac

How To Find Applications Folder On Mac

1. Open the Finder if it is not open already.

Need some help figuring out how to use the Downloads folder on an Apple compute running Mac OS X? So easy, in fact, that this home-computing how-to from the folks at MacMost can present a complete overview of the process in just over five minutes. For more information, including step-by-step instructions, take a look.

2. In the menu bar, click Go, then Connect To Server:

3. Type the address of the shared volume, or folder, you would like to mount, beginning with smb://. Then click Connect.

For example, if you are mounting your division's shared volume (G: drive) on the Research Data Storage (RDS) system, you might type smb://rds6/yourDivision-s :

4. Type the user name and password you use to log in to the Cincinnati Children's network, and click OK:

You should be connected to the location you typed in step 3, and a volume icon should appear on your desktop:

5. To create an alias of the volume so that you can easily reconnect without repeating steps 1-4 above, select the volume icon, go to the Finder menu bar and click File, then Make Alias:

A volume alias appears on your desktop:

Find Folders On Mac

In the future, you can reconnect to the shared volume by double-clicking this alias.

6. If you wish, rename the alias by clicking anywhere on the icon, then clicking the text beneath the icon. A textbox should appear, enabling you to modify the alias name:

What Folder To Download Maps To On Mac Catalina

7. If you wish, drag the alias to the right side of the dock:

What Folder To Download Maps To On Mac Os

If you have any difficulties connecting to your network drives, or shared folders on RDS, email the BMI Help Desk.